NEW YORK--So the world didn't exactly get what it wanted out of Sony's PlayStation 4 debut tonight. There was no sight of the actual console itself and details about its specific release date and price were also nowhere to be seen.
Sony's team-up with Gaikai is sure to net some interesting ideas and implementations with cloud streaming, the sharing of game screens, remote play and other concoctions, but it was the games themselves that made the biggest impact.
Those pondering the PS4's gaming prowesses were served an interesting dish. 10 or so major developers were represented in some capacity and on hand to discuss their progress with the new hardware, which consisted of all sorts of fresh media. Some announced new exclusive titles, while others merely showcased proof of concept videos.
So how do these new tidbits of information playout in the grand scheme of things? How does this impact the current PS3 ecosystem and what we (up until now) thought was a concrete list of upcoming software?
Let's take a closer look at each presentation and dig a little deeper. Here are the exclusives:
The first game to debut was Knack, a title being directed by Mark Cerny, who's also the lead on the PS4's hardware. Knack looks like a platform-action title in the vein of Ratchet & Clank or Jak & Daxter and will be an exclusive PS4 title.

Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
Guerilla Games' next chapter in the Killzone series will be called Shadow Fall. The audience in New York was treated to visually brilliant flythrough that eventually morphed into an actual demo of the game being played live. It was loud, violent and ultimately not much of a departure from previous titles in the franchise. However, the big takeaway here is that Shadow Fall's massive scope and size could only be achieved on next-gen hardware.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
From the studio that brought us MotorStorm, the next exclusive to debut was DriveClub, a game that looks to create a never-before-seen racing experience by painstakingly recreating every last possible detail of racing machines. There's also a focus here on multiplayer, specifically 3-on-3 racing.
Next up was inFamous: Second Son, the next-gen effort from Sucker Punch, the studio behind the PS3's duo of inFamous games. Second Son looks to build upon the inFamous universe where normal human beings evolve to harness supernatural powers. Some heavy-duty themes of the cost of freedom and privacy issues came to play in this debut.
Media Molecule, the makers of LittleBigPlanet, showed off some interesting technology as well. Citing the mantra of "the tyranny of the polygon," the team teased what their next project would be by demonstrating the use of a Move controller to sculpt 3D objects and characters in a virtual world.

Media Molecule's sculpting demo
Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
Wrapping up the short list of announced exclusives was a quick presentation from David Cage, the founder of developer Quantic Dream. His new game, Beyond: Two Souls was announced at last year's E3, but Cage certainly made it seem that the title would see a PS4 release. It's here where we're starting to see a blurring of the PS3/PS4 release calendar and the first of what could be many PS3 titles that actually become PS4 bound.
Indie games had a great night too. Jonathan Blow, the creator of the hit, Braid, was on hand to talk about his next title, The Witness. This wasn't necessarily an announcement, but rather a chance for the world to see much more of a game that doesn't necessarily follow the same formula as most mainstream titles. The Witness will launch along with the PS4, but only with a timed exclusivity.

The Witness
Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
What followed after Blow's segment was a parade of third party developers chatting up what their studio's were cooking up for PlayStation 4. It's safe to assume these titles will most likely not be totally exclusive to Sony's system.
Capcom unveiled its next-gen engine, codenamed Panta Rhei, and the first title to be released built upon it. Tentatively titled Deep Down, the game looks like it will be some sort of dungeon-raiding adventure title complete with fire-breathing dragons, in-game slo-mo sequences and gorgeous texture renderings.

Deep Down (working title)
Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
Next up was publisher Square Enix showing off the Luminous Studio engine which was used to provide the attending audience with more of a "what's possible" using PS4 hardware. There was no specific game being announced here, just an over-the-top sequence of magic, gunfighting and brilliant visuals.

Square Enix shows off a proof of concept video
Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
Ubisoft's time on stage was spent providing a real-time demo of Watch Dogs, the current-gen turned next-gen title that will officially be a PS4 game. Arguably the best demo of the evening, Watch Dogs presents a world where players can hack almost anything in the world around them, using circuit breakers as booby traps and stalling trains to their advantage.

Watch Dogs
Sarah Tew/CBS Interactive)
Blizzard Entertainment made a brief presentation announcing that Diablo III would appear on both the PS3 and PS4.
Finally, Activision spent a few minutes discussing developer Bungie's first foray outside of Microsoft's console, announcing that Destiny will also be a PS3 and PS4 title.
It's tough to completely wrap our heads around the PS3 release calendar and how it will overlap with PS4's. Because the PS4 will not be backwards compatible with PS3 games directly, it's created what is going to be a strange transitional period where we have games available on both platforms. How Gaikai's streaming technology comes into play with PS3 backwards compatibility has still yet to be definitively outlined.
Hopefully this wrap-up provides a bit of clarity to what was certainly an evening of scattered information. It's not worth hoping for things to get much clearer from now until this summer's E3, which should shed much more light on these titles and more.
Making sense of the PS4 game lineup
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Making sense of the PS4 game lineup